Saturday, August 19, 2006

The best ride in the park

"Daddy, can I ride your neck?", Hans asked while pulling on my hand.

"O.K. but only until Daddy's back gets ouchy, alright?"

He nodded with a gleeming smile. He then walked in front of me with his back facing me.

"Hana, dul, set!" I picked him up and carefully placed him on my shoulders.

It's his best ride in the park that day. It's one of the best backpains I've ever had.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Netois: Why the name?

"What would be a unique title for a blog?", I asked myself--one that would be unique and net-sounding. I googled "word producer" and got frustrated. Then I found the Word Spy site and carefully scanned the list of new words. Voila! I found Netois to be the most appropriate for this blog.

Paul McFedries coined it from net patois, meaning: "The unique language and vernacular found on the Internet."*

Thanks Paul.

(Nope, he doesn't know me.)
